Poll: Ted Cruz, Donald Trump still neck-and-neck in Iowa home stretch

With the Iowa caucus less than a week away, the GOP primary continues to be a dead heat between Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz, according to a poll Tuesday.

Trump leads the Texas Republican 31% to 29% in the latest Quinnipiac University poll — well within the poll’s margin of error.

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio was in a distant third place, at 13%. No other Republican candidate got more than 7%.

Those numbers are essentially the same as Quinnipiac’s poll two weeks ago, though Rubio has slipped further behind.

The numbers could change on caucus day: 39% of likely Iowa caucus-goers said they may change their mind from their current chosen candidate. Only 2% polled said they’re undecided.

Cruz holds an edge over Trump among tea party members, evangelical Christians and self-described “very conservative” voters. Trump has the lead among “somewhat conservative” and “moderate” or “liberal” voters.

Trump and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush tied for the lead in a dubious category: the candidates who respondents “would definitely not support.” Each polled at 24%.

Quinnipiac surveyed 651 Iowa likely GOP caucus participants from Jan. 18 to Jan. 24 by phone for the poll, which has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.8 percentage points.

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