Marco Rubio gets his football revenge

Ever crossed Sen. Marco Rubio? Watch out for footballs whizzing past your head.

The presidential candidate stars in a new spoof video out Tuesday, making fun of his infamous errant pass that hit a child in the head in Iowa.

The video, produced by the Independent Journal Review, features Rubio getting his revenge — and includes a who’s who of cameos to help him out.

It starts with news clips of the Florida Republican pegging the child in Iowa last summer, a video that immediately went viral. It then cuts to Rubio in an arena completing the pass with the young boy, who is the 4-year-old nephew of Rubio’s Iowa Chairman Jack Whitver.

Rubio dances and celebrates the completed pass, mimicking star NFL quarterback Cam Newton’s Superman-style celebration.

But he doesn’t stop there.

The video then shows Rubio throwing passes that end up whizzing toward a slew of celebrity guests, including Rubio’s opponent, Ben Carson, CNN commentator SE Cupp and Sen. James Inhofe, R-Oklahoma, who answers with a signature snowball.

The footballs also make it to Rubio endorsers Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina, Sen. Cory Gardner, R-Colorado, and Sen. Steve Daines, R-Montana.

Leaving no joke unmade, Rubio even takes out a water bottle.

Rubio has made his football superfandom an essential part of his campaign. The former college player jokes about his wife being a former NFL cheerleader, cracks about the Patriots-Dolphins rivalry in New Hampshire and has released a football themed ad to run during NFL playoffs.

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