YouTube star snowboards through New York City

Why stay snowed in when you can snowboard?

Viral filmmaker and YouTube star Casey Neistat snowboarded through the streets of New York City this weekend while being towed by a Jeep.

He sailed through alleys, avenues and even through Times Square while carrying an American flag. His YouTube video has been viewed more than 5 million times, as of Monday morning.

Neistat and his partner in crime, Jesse Wellens, released a behind-the-scenes video Monday of what it took to make the stunt happen.

But New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio wasn’t impressed with the snowboarding feat.

“I know that when it snows, people like to have fun, but safety first. That does not sound like a particularly safe thing from my point of view,” he told a reporter when asked about the stunt. “I would urge people not to go on a joy ride that could end up causing them some real harm.”

This isn’t the first time Neistat has snowboarded through New York City. He carved through a blizzard’s worth of snow in February 2014.

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