Rand Paul tweets storm at Sanders during town hall

On Monday night, the libertarian took on the democratic socialist.

Republican presidential candidate Rand Paul tweeted a firestorm — even a few typos — during the Democratic town hall in Des Moines, Iowa.

Paul had one candidate in his sights: Bernie Sanders.

“Here comes @BernieSanders! I predict he spends a trillion dollars in the first give minutes. Someone tally it.”

Sanders was asked to define his version of socialism. He talked at length about an unfair economy and “a government dominated by the billionaire class.”

Paul, a Kentucky senator, said he could do a better job — and he quoted economist Friedrich Hayek.

“I just want to remind everyone: ‘A claim for equality of material position can be met only by a government with totalitarian powers.'”

Sanders promised he would expand health care to everyone as a government-provided service. Paul’s response?

“Bernie Sanders: “And I will pay for that” …by making you pay for that.”

“If we are serious about taking care of the american people let’s not tax them to death,” Paul added.

When Sanders addressed the town hall in his signature high-volume presentation, Paul mocked that, too.


Paul even poked fun at campaign rules and Monday’s news that Ben & Jerry’s co-founder honored the Democrat with a flavor called “Bernie’s Yearning.”

“@BernieSanders has his own ice cream flavor now from @benandjerrys. I demand equal time.”

But Paul wouldn’t even bother to address comments by the former governor of Maryland, the third place Democratic candidate trailing in the polls.

“I can’t bring myself to live tweet Martin O’Malley, sorry Twitter.”

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