The Boston Globe endorses Hillary Clinton

The Boston Globe, a paper with well over 20,000 subscriptions in New Hampshire, endorsed Hillary Clinton on Sunday, saying the former secretary of state would “make a better president” than Democratic rival Bernie Sanders.

The paper, which backed then-Sen. Barack Obama in 2008, wrote that Clinton is “more seasoned, more grounded, and more forward-looking than in 2008, and has added four years as secretary of state to her already formidable resume. Democrats in the Granite State should not hesitate to choose her.”

And in endorsing Clinton, the Globe Editorial Board slammed Sanders on both his credibility and his stance on guns.

“Clinton’s assertive record on guns stands in contrast to that of her main Democratic opponent, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who voted against the Brady background-check bill and, his claims notwithstanding, is not a convincing champion of gun control,” they wrote. “Sanders presents himself as an avowed foe of big business, but his vote to protect firearms corporations from legal liability tells a different story. Clinton is simply more credible on what for too many Americans is a life-and-death issue.”

The paper, however, credits the liberal senator’s “entry into the race” for pushing “Clinton to the left in ways that have made her positions inconsistent — she has come out against a Trans-Pacific Partnership that she helped to initiate as secretary of state.”

Sanders is currently outrunning Clinton in New Hampshire, the key first in the nation primary state that will vote on February 9. A steady stream of polls have shown Sanders leading in the Granite State.

A recent Suffolk University poll found Sanders up nine percent.

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