Christie lauds New Jersey’s blizzard response

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie says his state has weathered the blizzard without major damage, and all major roadways and tunnels will be open in time for Monday’s workday.

“When we get to our morning rush tomorrow morning, we’ll be ready to go, no problem at all,” the Republican presidential contender told CNN’s Jake Tapper Sunday on “State of the Union.”

Christie left the presidential campaign trail to return to New Jersey and manage its response to the storm over the weekend.

He won plaudits for his handling of Hurricane Sandy in 2012 — though Christie’s embrace of President Barack Obama as Obama toured the area just before voters handed him a second term angered many conservatives.

Christie said the blizzard left only 22,000 New Jersey residents without power, and nearly all would see that power restored Sunday afternoon.

He said the state had no reported deaths resulting from the blizzard, and that just 113 people had to use public shelters on Saturday night.

High tides left city streets flooded in some coastal and island areas in New Jersey, but Christie said “we have no concerns about flooding or damage from flooding anytime soon.”

He said the state’s voluntary travel ban has kept motorists off roads, though speed limits will remain lowered on major thoroughfares.

“Our folks listened to our warnings. They stayed in. We were prepared,” Christie said.

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