Rand Paul not brushing off questions about his hair

Sen. Rand Paul took to the Internet to plug one of his biggest assets in the presidential race: His hair.

The Kentucky Republican answered questions on the commenting website reddit in an “Ask Me Anything” thread Thursday night, and his curly coif came up more than once.

One user asked Paul to list his three biggest differences with GOP front-runner Donald Trump, and Paul mixed policy and personality.

“1. I have actual plans and policy to solve our problems. 2. I in (no) way shape or form intend to shut down the internet. 3. I have way better hair,” Paul answered.

Trump and Paul have sparred over physical appearance before, with Trump bringing it up at the second GOP debate.

“I never attacked him or his looks, and believe me, there’s plenty of subject matter right there,” Trump said after Paul called Trump “sophomoric.”

Hair has also been a recurring theme in the campaign, with Trump bringing a woman onstage at a rally last year to prove his famous hair was real, him attacking Hillary Clinton’s hair and claiming to have better hair than Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Florida.

Trump has far exceeded Paul in the polls, where the Kentucky senator is languishing in the low single digits.

Paul was also asked by a user how he maintains his “beautiful head of hair,” and Paul said it’s all his doing.

“It takes a lot of work. I don’t let anyone touch a strand of it but me,” he said.

That prompted another user to offer a play on Paul’s catchphrase, Stand with Rand: “#StrandWithRand.”

He also appealed to Internet meme lovers everywhere by tackling an age-old question, at least for reddit AMAs, “Would you rather fight one horse sized duck or 100 duck sized horses?”

Paul answered — and took a shot at President Barack Obama for not answering it during his own AMA.

“I’m running for president. I hear the current president didn’t answer this vital question,” Paul said. “We should expect more out of the next president. Obviously the answer is 100 duck sized horses.”

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