First on CNN: Super PAC making phone calls for Cruz to close

A super PAC placing voter contact calls to back Ted Cruz in the early voting states has decided to shut down.

Americans for Cruz, a new independent group started only four weeks ago but has quickly spent $200,000 to back his run, told CNN on Wednesday that it will soon send word to the Federal Election Commission that it is closing down.

As recently as Tuesday, the group had said it planned to continue to spend money independently on his behalf.

“We’re actually closing the group,” said Kyle Manning, the group’s treasurer, adding that the decision was made about a week ago. “Things just didn’t kind of work out.”

Details about the group remained scarce, and Manning declined to share what their objective had been or what the calls featured.

When asked about reports from Iowans who received calls possibly meant to push voters from Donald Trump and toward Cruz, Manning declined to comment if his group was responsible.

Election records show that Americans for Cruz had placed “voter contact calls over several weeks” through a firm called InfoCision Management Corporation on or around January 4. The group spent $80,000 in Iowa, $80,000 in New Hampshire and $40,000 in South Carolina.

As recently as Tuesday, the super PAC was telling the FEC that it intended to spend money on Cruz’s behalf.

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