Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson endorses Ted Cruz

Phil Robertson, best known for his role on the A&E reality television show “Duck Dynasty,” has officially endorsed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for the Republican nomination.

The two partnered up together for a video paid for by Cruz’s campaign, where Robertson explains his endorsement.

In the video, where he is dressed in hunting gear with his face painted, Robertson said his qualifications for president are “narrow.”

“Is he or she godly, does he or she love us, can he or she do the job?” Robertson asked in the video. “And finally, would they kill a duck and put ’em in a pot and make a good duck gumbo?”

“Ted Cruz is my man,” he added, where the video showed Cruz dressed in hunting gear. In the video, the two go duck hunting, where Robertson uses his duck caller and the two men are shown shooting in the air.

“I am thrilled to have Phil’s support for our campaign,” Cruz in a statement. “The Robertsons are a strong family of great Christian faith and conservative values.”

Robertson is no stranger to controversy or politics. In 2013, he gave an interview to GQ magazine in which he said homosexual behavior is sinful, which led to a brief suspension from the reality show.

Cruz defended Robertson in 2013, writing on his Facebook page that “free speech matters.”

“The reason that so many Americans love Duck Dynasty is because it represents the America usually ignored or mocked by liberal elites: a family that loves and cares for each other, believes in God, and speaks openly about their faith,” he wrote in 2013.

Robertson also spoke at the 2015 Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC, where he shared his opinions about sexually transmitted diseases, Nazis, communism and Jesus.

Robertson’s endorsement could help Cruz further his support among evangelical voters. In the latest Iowa poll by Fox News, Cruz held 33% support from polled evangelical voters over the second choice, Donald Trump, who had 19% support.

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