Poll: Bernie Sanders widens lead over Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire

Sen. Bernie Sanders has widened his lead over Hillary Clinton in the New Hampshire Democratic primary to 14 points, according to a new poll out Tuesday.

A Monmouth University survey finds the Vermont senator leading Clinton 53% to 39% in the early voting state.

That’s a reversal from Monmouth’s last poll, taken in November, that had Clinton up 48% to 45%, though Sanders led in September by 7 points.

Sanders also has an advantage in the firmness of voters’ decisions. Of those who support Sanders, 55% say they have made up their mind, while 49% of Clinton supporters say the same.

Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, the only other Democratic candidate, was at 5%.

The independent senator also leads among independent voters, who support Sanders 58% to 30% for Clinton.

He has a strong favorability rating among Democratic voters, who see him 90% favorably and 6% unfavorably. Clinton’s favorability is 73% to 19%.

Monmouth University polled 413 New Hampshire likely Democratic primary voters from January 7 to January 10 for the survey, which carries an error margin of plus or minus 4.8 percentage points.

Monmouth’s survey comes two days after an NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll found Sanders narrowing the gap with Clinton in Iowa.

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