McCarthy: I want to hear Obama ISIS plan in State of the Union

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy said Tuesday that he hopes President Barck Obama uses his final State of the Union address to outline his strategy to defeat ISIS.

“I’m really hoping to hear personally from a personal level, ‘What is our strategy to defeat ISIS? Where are we about security in this nation?'” McCarthy told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day.”

“Because when you think about it — from Paris to San Bernardino to Philadelphia now to Istanbul — this is an unsafe world and it’s not something we should wait ’til the next president (to solve). We should have a plan to solve this today.”

The White House has said Obama’s final State of the Union address Tuesday night will be non-traditional and it is expected the President will talk about the battle against ISIS.

On the 2016 presidential race, McCarthy said it’s still too early for him to endorse anyone but he believes Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s citizenship is a non-issue.

“I think that Ted Cruz’s mom is an American — I think that answers the question,” he said.

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