Judge Revokes Bail for Woman Charged for Allegedly Being Involved with Drug Ring

CLEARFIELD – The bail for a Pittsburgh woman charged for her involvement with a drug ring was revoked in Clearfield County Court.

Nicolette Joann Holzer, 35, 49 Albert St., Pittsburgh, is charged with a felony count of manufacture/delivery/possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance, hindering apprehension, criminal conspiracy and possession of drug paraphernalia.   According to grand jury testimony filed with the criminal complaint, Holzer was with Robert Selfridge, 35, of 118 N. Church St., DuBois, on July 28 at a motel in Allegheny County where he was taken into custody.

Selfridge, who had been cooperating with an investigation of drug activity, failed to turn himself in on gun charges and to attend a hearing in Clearfield County.

When he couldn’t be located, Holzer was questioned as to Selfridge’s whereabouts. She confirmed she had talked to him. She was advised that if she had any further contact she was to call the authorities. She failed to do so.

Later when they were caught at the motel he had in his possession a gram of methamphetamine, $2,136 in cash, and a shotgun shell. Bags taken from his motel room contained four bags of crystal methamphetamine, black tar heroin, a shotgun, drug packaging materials, glassine bags, marijuana and forged identification with Selfridge’s photo.

During Motions Court, David Gorman of the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office, which is the prosecuting the case, asked President Judge Fredric J. Ammerman to revoke Holzer’s bail.

Gorman explained that while out on $100,000 bail, Holzer returned to Clearfield County in October to pick up money from an informant who was selling methamphetamine for her. She was arrested again. A preliminary hearing in that case is scheduled for Jan. 15 at District Judge Patrick Ford’s office.

Holzer’s attorney, Daniel Koniecza stated in her defense that she has been doing well in a rehabilitation program. He said she is employed and living with her parents now in Cranberry. Several people from the rehab program were available in court to speak for her, he said.

Gorman pointed out that she was not just selling drugs to fuel her habit and there was actually no real evidence that she was a drug addict.

Ammerman commented that these were “serious accusations.” He reviewed the affidavit in the new case reading that the informant claimed he had been getting a supply of drugs from Holzer on a weekly basis.

Ammerman decided to revoke her bail and he re-set it at $350,000.

In this new case, Holzer, is charged with two felony counts of manufacture/delivery/possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance, dealing in proceeds of unlawful acts and criminal use of communication facility.

According to that affidavit of probable cause, on Oct. 5 an undercover officer and an agent of the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office were investigating an individual caught with methamphetamine and more than $8,000 in cash.

This individual told them he/she was selling the drugs for Holzer. Two days earlier, this person had gotten three ounces of methamphetamine to sell from Holzer who was expecting payment of $4,650 for it.

The individual became a confidential informant and a meeting was set up with Holzer in a DuBois grocery store parking lot.

Holzer and another man showed up in a black vehicle that had been previously described by the informant. The informant then met with Holzer and gave her an envelope with $1,505 in it. Holzer told the informant that she had not been able to make a connection with a person in California who was her source of methamphetamine. She said the passenger in the vehicle would be able to do this.

Police then executed a stop of the vehicle and arrested all three participants.

Selfridge is charged with two counts each of manufacture/delivery/possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver, possession of firearms prohibited, firearms not to be carried without a license, possession of drug paraphernalia as well as flight to avoid apprehension and default in required appearance.

Originally, Selfridge was arrested at a hotel in DuBois after authorities responded to an activated fire alarm in February of last year. Selfridge was seen leaving the room with two bags of luggage, which he put into a vehicle.

When the bags were searched, officers found 77.51 grams of methamphetamine, more than $10,000 in cash, three handguns, and 160 various pills. These items were packaged in a manner consistent with drug distribution.






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