Woman faints at Ted Cruz campaign stop

Ted Cruz was interrupted during a campaign event Thursday by a young woman who apparently fainted as he closed his remarks in a crowded, musty room at the local Pizza Ranch.

“I want to thank all of y’all for being here. I want to thank you for coming out, and if you agree with me –” he said, before gasps began to emerge from the audience.

“Call 911!” one person yelled.

Cruz paused his speech as attendees rushed to help the woman.

“Let’s hold off a second,” he said as Iowans circled around with water and Cruz campaign posters used as impromptu fans.

Cruz walked toward her to help and motioned to staff to clear away reporters who hovered over the woman.

The woman got up and was able to walk outside for fresh air.

“Alright, good news, she’s doing OK,” Cruz said to applause as she left the Pizza Ranch. “Young lady heard the name Hillary Clinton, she immediately fainted.”

Cruz is midway through a six-day, 28-stop bus tour in the first-in-the-nation caucus state, appearing at local restaurants, shops, and event venues throughout Northern Iowa. No other attendees have fainted so far.

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