Florida Gov. Rick Scott praises Trump in op-ed

Florida Gov. Rick Scott praised Donald Trump in an op-ed published Wednesday evening, writing that the Republican presidential front-runner has the ability to give the “most interesting interviews” and adds that he is “capturing the frustration of many Americans.”

“I know Donald Trump personally, and while I currently have no plans to endorse a candidate before Florida’s March presidential primary, there is no doubt that Donald is a man who speaks and tweets his mind freely,” he writes in the op-ed published in USA Today.

Scott compared his own gubernatorial primary to Trump’s presidential primary campaign, writing that political pundits are shocked that Trump is polling so well and he received the same criticism when he ran for the top spot in Florida in 2010.

He said that just as Americans are looking at outsiders for president, Scott experienced something similar in his home state when he was able to beat Bill McCollum, the then-Republican attorney general, during the gubernatorial primary election.

Scott also writes that national economic policies need a “complete overhaul” and that he hopes that all Republican presidential candidates will focus on job creation.

“The pollsters and pundits will keep trying to read voters’ minds,” Scott writes. “In the meantime, I am glad Republicans are frustrated. I am glad we are demanding a major change. Because until we get serious about that, we will continue to get more of the same.”

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