First on CNN: New Rand Paul video knocks Trump over ‘schlonged’

Rand Paul’s campaign is lunging at Donald Trump’s first TV ad with a video of its own that lists “5 better ways to spend your time than watching Trump’s new ad.”

“Watch him be a Democrat” is one of those suggestions, as the video plays footage of Trump telling CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in the past that in many cases he “probably identified more as a Democrat.”

“Learn things you shouldn’t say on television” is another recommendation, pointing to the moment in late December when Trump said Hillary Clinton “got schlonged” by Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic primary.

The 45-second video, “Trump Time,” will run online starting Thursday in Iowa and New Hampshire, according to the campaign. It also bashes Trump for lavish spending in his campaign and for his well-documented bankruptcies.

“It is a response to Trump’s first ad, which is as ridiculous as he is,” said Paul’s chief strategist, Doug Stafford, in an email. “We thought people should hear my more substance – and some of what he is hiding from voters.”

Trump released a provocative ad earlier this week, his first of the campaign, that focuses on his call to ban Muslims and included news footage from the aftermath of the San Bernardino terror attack.

The ad wars have ramped up in the final weeks before the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary, two contests that will likely narrow the Republican field. Paul finds himself in the low single digits in polls in both states, following behind a crowded pack of candidates—with Trump far and away in the lead.

“Now is the time when voters are really starting to pay attention. Most are undecided. They need to hear the truth,” Stafford said.

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