Sarah Palin hits Obama crying: ‘The whole world weeps’

Sarah Palin mocked President Barack Obama in a scathing but brief op-ed following the President’s emotional speech Tuesday where he announced his efforts to fight gun violence.

“The whole world weeps waiting for American leadership in these troubled times as Islamic savages commit genocide against the Christians of the Middle East and terrorize innocent people in cities across the globe,” the former Republican vice presidential candidate wrote for Breitbart.

Palin also blasted Obama’s decision this fall to allow the early release of 6,000 federal inmates imprisoned on drug charges while championing gun control.

And the former Alaska governor directly slammed the gun control measures Obama announced, writing, “Meanwhile, Obama wept as he blamed law-abiding patriots for the nation’s insecurity and sought to strip them of the Constitutional rights that generations of Americans shed blood to protect.”

On Tuesday, the President announced his plans to stem gun violence by using executive action to narrow the gun show loophole for purchasing guns, as well as increasing funding for mental health treatment and increasing hiring at the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives agents.

During his announcement, Obama grew tearful while describing the children who died in in the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting.

“Every time I think about those kids, it gets me mad,” Obama said, pausing to wipe away tears. He added: “And by the way, it happens on the streets of Chicago every day,” referring to his hometown where he began his political career.

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