CLEARFIELD – Debra Finkbeiner, Lawrence Township code enforcement and zoning officer, reported to the supervisors at the township’s regular meeting held Monday evening after their annual reorganizational meeting.
Finkbeiner said she has noticed several houses with new metal roofs in the township, and wanted to make residents aware that, even though it is not new construction, the township codes still require a zoning permit for re-roofing.
She said a zoning permit is required to ensure proper refuse disposal. She added that she will be following up with residents who have not applied for project permits.
Finkbeiner reported that her office received 175 permit applications for 2015, including 48 commercial building permits, 45 residential building permits and 82 zoning permits. She said the permits signify that there was more than $9 million worth of construction in Lawrence Township last year.
Wilson Fisher, engineer, presented plans for a stormwater connection for Burger King parking lot. Fisher said the PennDOT project will correct a sub-box storm drain failure that has created a problem with the parking area and into the street.
He said he wanted to give the supervisors a heads-up regarding PennDOT’s need for a township Highway Occupancy Permit for the project.
Supervisor William Lawhead said the occupancy permit must state clearly that the township will not be responsible for any maintenance or repairs to the storm drain or pavement.
Supervisor Chairman Randy Powell suggested the township’s Local Economic Revitalization Tax Assistance (LERTA) guidelines should be reviewed, noting they were in effect since 1980.
Powell questioned how eligibility for LERTA is determined. Solicitor James Naddeo replied that property has to be located in an area designated as blighted to be eligible for LERTA.
Naddeo added that LERTA is established by a state act, which means the township has no control over the guidelines, and any LERTA applications must conform to the act. He noted that the township has the option to eliminate the LERTA ordinance, however.
Lawhead noted that the township zoning maps now designate the LERTA-eligible areas in the township.
Secretary/Treasurer Barbara Shaffner reported that the township was awarded more than $98,000 in at-risk bridge funds from Clearfield County. With this grant, the supervisors agreed to proceed with plans for improvements to a bridge on Flegal Road.
Shaffner reported the results of a PennDOT speed reduction study of Glen Richey Highway. She said the study indicates it is not necessary to reduce speed for that section of highway.
The supervisors approved an across-the-board pay increase for fulltime seasonal employees to $14.04 per hour, a 31-cent increase.