House set to send Obamacare repeal bill to White House

The GOP-controlled House of Representatives on Wednesday afternoon is set to pass legislation that would repeal Obamacare, and after more than 60 votes to roll back all or part of the law, the bill dismantle it will finally get to the President’s desk.

But it won’t stay there long; President Barack Obama has vowed to veto any Republican bill that guts his signature health care law, a five-year-and-counting effort.

The Senate passed the legislation last month, using a budget mechanism known as “reconciliation” to overcome a Democratic filibuster. With the House expected to pass the bill along party lines Wednesday, House Speaker Paul Ryan has already told members he will hold an “enrollment ceremony” Thursday to sign the bill before sending it off to the White House.

The measure would also bar any federal money for Planned Parenthood, something conservatives in Congress vowed to do after a series of videos released by an anti-abortion group last year triggered a controversy about the sale of fetal tissue. Planned Parenthood maintains the footage was edited and denied any improper activity.

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