American Kennel Club recognizes two new breeds

American Hairless Terriers and Sloughis have joined the elite ranks of dog breed recognition.

The esteemed pups were added to the American Kennel Club’s list of recognized breeds on Tuesday. It is the largest registry of purebreds in the world, with 189 breeds.

“We’re excited to welcome these two unique breeds into the AKC family,” AKC Vice President Gina DiNardo said.

Being recognized by the AKC will allow them to compete in more than 22,000 events this year.

The road to becoming recognized by the AKC can take several years. Breeds have to have a National Breed Club behind them, like the Sloughi has the American Sloughi Association. The breed club then petitions to be added to the Miscellaneous Class, where they can compete with other breeds not yet recognized.

While there is no established timeline for adding new breeds, dogs typically compete in the Miscellaneous Class for up to three years, according to the AKC.

The American Hairless Terrier is joining other breeds in the Terrier group, such as the Rat Terrier and Miniature Schnauzer. The breed was started in the United States in the early 1970s when a hairless puppy named Josephine was born into a litter of Rat Terriers. Although hairless is in the breed’s name, this dog can be born with a full coat of hair.

The Sloughi, also known as the Arabian Greyhound, is joining the Hound group, along with other popular breeds like the Greyhound and Beagle. This ancient breed is prized in North Africa for its hunting skills and endurance to run long distances. This breed requires lots of exercise and room to run. The first Sloughi arrived in America in 1973.

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