Trump jokingly reprimands supporters in New Hampshire

Donald Trump feigned outrage Tuesday after an attendee at one of his rallies shouted that President Barack Obama is “a Muslim.”

“Oh, I’m supposed to reprimand the man. Who was the man that said that? I have to reprimand,” Trump said, before adding blandly, “How dare you. Okay, I reprimanded him. I reprimanded him, now the press can’t be angry.”

Trump also only briefly addressed Obama’s gun reform plans, including using executive order to expand background checks.

“It’s no good it’s no fair and they’re not going to screw around with the Second Amendment,” Trump said.

A mostly jovial Trump entertained a full house in a New Hampshire high school gym for about an hour, poking fun not only at political correctness, but the press and potential general election rival, Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s reaction to the supporter’s claim on Tuesday deviated from how the Republican front-runner handled a similar interaction with a supporter at an event in New Hampshire four months earlier.

Trump took heat in September when he stood silent and chuckled as a man at a town hall event told Trump “We have a problem in this country … called Muslims” and accused Obama of being a Muslim.

The Republican also pretended to rebuke a supporter later during his event on Tuesday when supporters suggested Clinton was “in the bathroom” when not on the campaign trail.

“That’s terrible. I’m admonishing you for the press, get him the hell out of there!” Trump said with an exaggerated tone.

Trump weeks earlier himself referred to Clinton’s bathroom break during the last Democratic presidential debate, calling her use of the restroom “too disgusting” to discuss.

But Trump refrained from repeating comments he made just prior to the evening rally, insinuating GOP rival Ted Cruz would face years of lawsuits if elected president, due to his Canadian birth.

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