Clearfield Borough Council Reorganizes and Keeps Wade Cowder as President

CLEARFIELD – Wade Cowder will continue to head the Clearfield Borough Council.

At Monday’s reorganizational meeting, Cowder was re-appointed as president of council, with Brian Lytle serving as vice president and Heather Bozovich serving as president pro-tem.

The council also voted to appoint Lytle as chairman of the Public Works Committee, with Lewis Duttry serving as vice chair. Other members serving on the committee include Dave Gallaher and Cowder.

Gallaher will serve as chairman of the Planning Committee, with Lytle serving as vice chair. Jim Kling and Fran Selvage will also serve on the committee.

The Public Safety Committee will be chaired by Cowder and Steve Harmic will serve as vice chair. Others serving on the committee are Bozovich and Selvage.

Harmic and Bozovich will also serve on the Finance Committee, which will be chaired by Duttry and vice-chaired by Kling.

The Personnel Committee will be made up of Lytle and Duttry and will be chaired by Bozovich and vice-chaired by Cowder.

In other business, the council voted to appoint:

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