Trump spokeswoman accessorizes with bullet necklace

A spokeswoman for Donald Trump is sticking to her guns — and threatening another provocative pose — after being criticized for wearing a necklace of strung-together bullets during an appearance on CNN.

Katrina Pierson has become one of Trump’s most prominent representatives, making the cable news rounds almost nightly, as she pushes the candidate’s talking points and pokes at his assorted rivals.

After her segment ended on Tuesday, CNN host Jim Sciutto tweeted to Pierson, saying he’d noticed her unusual baubles and wanted to know, “Is there a message behind it?”

Pierson replied that it’s “real ammo.”

Shannon Watts, a gun control advocate and founder of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, also got a response when she tweeted an image of Pierson and the line, “Surely @KatrinaPierson wore bullet necklace on #CNN to bring attention to 90 Americans fatally shot daily #gunsense.”

A little more than an hour later, Pierson fired back, tweeting, “Maybe I’ll wear a fetus next time & bring awareness to 50 million aborted people that will never get to be on Twitter.”

Pierson carried the debate into Wednesday, accusing “liberals freaking out about my accessories” of being “sexist,” saying on Twitter, “They only approve of women in pant suits and jackets. Oh, and tampon earrings.”

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry wore a pair of tampons, fashioned by a producer to fit as earrings, in July 2013 after protesters in the Texas legislature had theirs seized on entry by state troopers in order to prevent them from being tossed at lawmakers.

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