Marco Rubio dubs absentee critics ‘desperate,’ ‘nasty’

Marco Rubio hit back at Republican primary opponents whom he said have become “increasingly desperate and increasingly nasty” as they ratchet up the criticize him for his absences in the Senate.

“What’s happening, unfortunately, I think with some of these folks that you’ve mentioned, they’re growing increasingly desperate and increasingly nasty and that’s OK. I’m not running against them, I’m running for president,” Rubio said Wednesday on Fox News’ “Fox and Friends.”

Criticisms of Rubio’s Senate attendance have been a rolling issue since the start of his campaign — The Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentenl called for Rubio to resign his seat because he was being paid $174,000 by taxpayers for a job he did not want to do. But this marks the first time Rubio’s opponents in the crowded establishment lane of the Republican field have piled on him, coming at a crucial time with just a few weeks to go before the Iowa cuacuses.

Jeb Bush’s super PAC, Right to Rise, launched into Rubio on Tuesday with a new ad hitting him for missing a Senate intelligence briefing after the Paris terror attacks and attending a campaign fundraiser when the San Bernardino attacks were happening.

And New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has amped up his attacks on Rubio for missing on the stump. Rubio hit back at Christie with his own critique of the governor’s attendance record.

“Chris Christie’s a funny guy but he’s never in New Jersey, he’s gone half the time,” Rubio said. “The reason I’m not in Washington right now is really two reasons: Washington’s completely broken, and that’s why I’m running for president, because these votes they’re taking in Washington, they don’t count.”

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