Today’s 5 things: Catching ‘affluenza’ in Mexico

A fugitive is captured … the weather turns on the heat … and a campaign clash awaits. It’s Tuesday, and here are the 5 things you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door:


You can run, but you can’t hide: The so-called affluenza teen’s vacation is over. Ethan Couch was picked up yesterday in Mexico — near a popular beach resort town, of course. And yes, his mom was with him. The dynamic duo disappeared from Texas earlier this month. Couch made headlines two years ago when he got probation for a drunk driving crash that killed four people. His defense basically claimed being rich means you don’t have to take responsibility for anything. Mexican officials will soon turn him over to the U.S.


‘Perfect storm of human error’: Lots of mistakes led to the tragic killing of Tamir Rice, but none of it was criminal. That’s the conclusion of an Ohio grand jury that chose not to indict the two officers involved. Rice, 12, was shot to death in November 2014 while standing outside a rec center with a toy gun. Meanwhile, in Chicago, the father of Quintonio LeGrier has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the city. LeGrier was killed Saturday by police. The cops said he was charging toward officers with a bat when he was shot.


‘Blowtorch’ burns ski resorts: The slopes are deserted up north — it’s too hot, duh — so ski resort operators are praying that a winter storm forecasted for this week can change their fortunes. A “blowtorch” weather pattern — that’s brought record warmth to the Northeast — has pushed the snow season back from Pennsylvania to Vermont. One resort has even continued summer activities like zip lining. But old man winter may finally roar in this week.


Clash of the titans: Man, this is going to be good. Donald Trump vs. the Clintons. Bill Clinton hits the campaign trail this week to stump for his wife, days after The Donald and Hillary sparred over sexism. She says Trump’s comments about women are deplorable; Trump says Hillary can’t play the sexist card and then use Bill on the campaign trail because of his past infidelities (Monica, Paula, Gennifer, etc.). We can’t wait to see how the former president responds to that.


Journey’s end: Relatives of Alan Kurdi, the Syrian toddler who drowned off the coast of Turkey this year, arrived in Canada yesterday as refugees. They were warmly greeted at a Vancouver airport. Images of Alan’s lifeless body face down on a Turkish beach ricocheted around the world and symbolized the struggle of many Syrian families fleeing the civil war back home. The boy’s mother and brother drowned in the same accident. Alan’s father survived, but declined an invitation to go to Canada. He’s living in Iraq.


People are talking about these. Read up. Join in.

Number of the day: $73 billion

That’s the amount of Puerto Rico’s debt. The island has to make a $1 billion payment on it by January 4. Gov. Alejandro Garcia Padilla says that’s probably not going to happen.

Wild, wild West

Everything old is new again. Starting Friday, Texans can openly carry their guns, just like in the cowboy days!


Bernie Sanders flies coach — in the middle seat, even — and the Internet loves him for it.


Got a hoverboard for Christmas? Probably got a trip to the ER, too. Lots of people have gotten hurt falling off the futuristic skateboards the past few days.

See you on the other side

Legendary British rocker Lemmy, frontman and bassist for Motorhead, has died of cancer. He was 70.

Calendar guy

Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president and heartthrob, has a new calendar out for 2016. Spend every month with the Russian leader as he fishes topless, lifts weights or talks about how beautiful Russian women are.


What’d they say?

Yeah! More end-of-the-year lists! Today, it’s a look back at 2015’s most misheard lyrics. (Click to view)

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