Fiorina, Kasich to address New Hampshire state house

Carly Fiorina, John Kasich and Jim Gilmore are slated to pitch themselves to the New Hampshire House of Representatives over the final weeks of the state’s primary race.

Donald Trump, who holds a commanding lead in state polls, was originally scheduled to address legislators in Concord on January 7 along with Fiorina and Gilmore, though the billionaire businessman has since canceled. John Kasich, who has staked his campaign on a strong showing there, will speak on January 20.

While Fiorina and Gilmore are still expected to speak next week, Trump’s campaign announced that it wouldn’t be able to address the body on that date. No new date was given.

Candidates are invited at the discretion of the Speaker of the House, Republican Shawn Jasper, but White House hopefuls from both parties have been invited, said Jasper’s communication director Jim Rivers.

Republican hopefuls, eager to show momentum in a crowded field, have spent much of past few months chasing and announcing endorsements from New Hampshire state legislators. At 400 members, the New Hampshire House of Representatives is the largest state legislative body in the country.

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