Millennials working during the holiday…but not working hard

Lots of us are at work this holiday week…but not all of us are working very hard.

Fewer than a quarter of millennials say they’ll be “very productive” this week, according to a recent survey by Robert Half, a staffing firm. Same goes for Gen Xers.

But it looks like Baby Boomers will bail them out. Some 45% of those age 55+ say they’ll be “very productive.”

Overall, 59% of workers will be on the job at least part of this week between Christmas and New Year’s. While it may be a slow week for some, it can be super busy at some companies. These firms have only a few more days to complete year-end projects, meet goals and get organized for 2016, said Paul McDonald, senior executive director.

Some 28% will be out the entire week, with just over half taking off because their company is closed. More than 80% of these lucky ducks whose offices shut down will still be paid and don’t have to take vacation time.

Six in 10 workers who are on vacation say they still plan to check in this week. Men are significantly more likely to contact their offices than women. Workers in the Northeast are the most likely to stay in touch.

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