January Programs Announced at Parker Dam

PENFIELD – Officials at the Parker Dam State Park have announced a list of programs for January of 2016.

Friday, Jan. 1

First Day Hike

2 p.m. – Parking Lot, near Concession Stand 

Join us on the 1st hike of the New Year as we traverse the Beaver Dam Trail and learn about the park’s wildlife and history.  It’s about a 2-mile trek over easy terrain.  If there is significant snow, this will become a snowshoe hike – we’ll supply the snowshoes.  Please dress appropriately for a winter hike, including footwear.

Saturday, Jan. 9

Story in the Snow

11 a.m. – Environmental Education Classroom 

Wildlife tracks and other clues can tell quite a story.  Come learn how you can interpret the clues and ‘read’ the story yourself.  You might be amazed at how much you are missing out there.

Sunday, Jan. 10

Orion the Night Sky Hunter

5:30 p.m. – Spillway, near CCC Museum 

Learn the legends and the lore of the constellation Orion as it comes into view in the eastern night sky.  Dress for the weather – we will be outside.  Telescopes will be available for you to view the winter night sky.  Viewing of the night sky will be weather dependent.

Saturday, Jan. 16

Window Birding

9 a.m. – Environmental Education Classroom 

If you aren’t watching the birds – why not.  You can make those long winter days more enjoyable.  Learn some easy tips and tricks to attracting birds to be seen from your window and the tools you will need to identify them.

Winter Wildlife

2 p.m. – Environmental Education Classroom 

If you think that winter is long and hard to bear, try surviving it the way that PA’s wildlife does – without a roof, furnace, or Woolrich jacket.  Learn about the many adaptations and tricks used by wildlife to stay warm in the winter.

Saturday, Jan. 23

Snowshoe Basics

1 p.m. – Environmental Education Classroom

Learn the basics – why we use them, how they are made, and how to get the proper fit.  Historically, they were the way to get around in winter; now they are for enjoying all that winter has to offer.   Dress for going outside.

Full Moon Hike

6 p.m. – outside Park Office 

Enjoy an evening hike in the light of the full moon.  Night vision, animal adaptations, and more night interpretation will be shared.  Please dress appropriately for the weather.

Sunday, Jan. 24

Round Table–2016 Program Plan Review

1 p.m. – Environmental Education Classroom 

Review and discuss the park’s 2016 Program Plan.  This document guides the outdoor programming services provided by the park and this is your opportunity to provide valuable and insightful feedback for 2016.

Saturday and Sunday, January 30-31

Clearfield YMCA’s Annual Winter Festival 

Saturday includes the opening of the YMCA’s Beach House concession, Freeze Your Gizzard 5K Run, Blizzard Volleyball, Chick’n Chuck’n, Ice Fishing Basics, Learn to Ice Skate, Cross-country Ski Basics, and Snowshoeing.  Many activities are snow and ice dependent.  Sunday gears up with Ice Harvesting, Snow Box Derby, Snowshoe Treks, Black Bear and Owl educational programs, Ice Fishing Basics, Snowshoeing, Frozen Salami Sling, Winter Birding, Almost Naked Mile Run, and the Polar Bear Swim.  There will be Snow Sculpture judging each day of the festival.  Times and events may change; please check with the YMCA or Park Office for a schedule of events as the festival nears.

Note on Winter Recreation:  When conditions allow, a sled riding area and an ice skating rink are maintained at Parker Dam State Park.  Check the “Parker Dam State Park” Facebook page, or the “Winter Report” at www.visitPAparks.com, to learn of snow and ice conditions and the availability of these facilities.

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