Cruz super PAC ad knocks Rubio

A super PAC backing Ted Cruz released a new ad touting the Texas Republican’s conservative record and his willingness to stand up “not just to Democrats,” but to Republicans as well — in particular, presidential rival Marco Rubio.

Cruz has made few friends during his Senate term with his fiery rhetoric and uncompromising positions, and the new digital ad from the super PAC “Keep the Promise I,” called “Trust,” attempts to frame his contentious reputation as selling point for his candidacy.

The spot features a clip from a Cruz speech in which he argues voters want a nominee “who actually as stood up not just to Democrats, but to leaders in our own party.”

A picture of Rubio is shown while that line is read, followed by a picture of Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, whom Cruz famously called a liar on the Senate floor in a breach of etiquette.

The ad comes as Cruz’s team has worked hard to damage Rubio’s standing with the GOP’s conservative base, repeatedly slamming the Florida senator for supporting the polarizing Gang of 8 immigration reform bill that was championed by senate Democrats, and which was politically poisonous to a number of establishment Republicans.

“Trust” echoes a refrain the Cruz campaign has assiduously pushed in recent weeks as momentum around his 2016 bid has accelerated, which is that the Texas senator is both the most conservative and the most consistent candidate in the Republican race.

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