Warm Weather Brings Vandals to the Clearfield Borough Riverwalk

CLEARFIELD – Unseasonably warm weather has allowed the opportunity for Clearfield residents to enjoy the completed section of the riverwalk, but not all the patrons have good intentions.

At Thursday’s Clearfield Borough Council meeting, Borough Operations Manager Leslie Stott said there has been a lot of vandalism taking place on the riverwalk.

She said people have been riding bikes over the top of the retaining walls and through the landscaping and dirt areas where grass had been planted.

Stott said the vandals have been hanging from the brackets on the light poles where the banners are hung, causing the brackets to bend, and using chalk on a lot of the concrete surfaces. She said vandals also went to Lower Witmer Park and damaged the porta-potty.

Stott said there have been many residents using the riverwalk and asked those walking to report any suspicious activity to the police.

Stott said the warm weather has allowed the street department some extra time to prepare for winter. She said the borough has recouped some losses sustained during the winter weather last year. Stott said the salt shed is stocked and the vehicle fleet is prepared.

She said although the unseasonable temperatures are expected to remain a bit longer, winter is still on its way.

Stott said the animal control officers have asked the council to remind residents to prepare their animals for winter, as well. She said some pet owners may have been lulled by the 50- and 60-degree days, but it’s important to make sure the animals are also ready for the cold.

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