First on CNN: Ted Cruz summons top fundraisers to Houston to chart final push

Ted Cruz, enjoying more momentum than he ever has before, is summoning his top fundraisers to Houston on Sunday to plan for the final sprint before the Iowa caucuses.

The top bundlers are headed to Cruz’s hometown Sunday for a two-day powwow, according to three people with knowledge of the event. The retreat in Houston, featuring a Christmas thank-you party Monday, comes as Cruz is expected to post another strong fundraising quarter as he wins fresh looks from donors drawn to a new presidential front-runner.

Cruz is currently barnstorming the South as part of a major tour before Christmas, but he is scheduled to be off the campaign trail Monday. He will return to Tennessee on Tuesday to finish out the final two days of his trip.

The retreat differs from the two past private conferences, which took place just after the end of fundraising quarter rather than during the final weeks of it. Cruz’s past two end-of-quarter celebrations took place at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs and at a ski resort in Deer Valley, Utah. This event is expected to be less extravagant.

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