Lawrence Township Supervisor Retires

CLEARFIELD – Lawrence Township Supervisor Ed Brown extended thanks to township residents for their support over the last six years during his term as supervisor, as well as his previous term.

Brown said at last night’s meeting that this was his last meeting as Lawrence Township Supervisor. “After this, I will be retired,” he said.

Newly elected Randy Powell will fill Brown’s position beginning in January. The supervisors scheduled their reorganizational meeting for Jan. 4 at 6:30 p.m., with their first regular meeting of the New Year to follow immediately afterward.

The supervisors gave final approval of the 2016 budget. The balanced budget for the new fiscal year totals $3,297,203 with no tax increase. The financial plan is nearly $105,000 higher than the 2015 budget.

Supervisor Chairman Bill Lawhead said the supervisors anticipate a slight increase in Act 13 funds from the state. However, Brown noted that the eventual state budget decisions may have an effect on state funding to municipalities.

Code Enforcement Officer Debra Finkbeiner presented two zoning conditional use applications.  Faith Connection Church requests a conditional use for a church in a commercial zone for 1101 S. Second St. Faith Bible Church requests a conditional use for a church in a commercial-highway zone for 8908 Clearfield-Curwensville Hwy.

The supervisors scheduled public hearings for both zoning change requests for Jan. 19, 2016 at 6:45 p.m. and 6:50 p.m., respectively. It was noted the date for the hearings may be changed, depending on the township meeting schedule to be determined at the annual reorganizational meeting.

Richard Shaffer, manager of the Clearfield-Lawrence Township Airport and chairman of the Clearfield-Lawrence Township Joint Airport Authority, appealed to the supervisors to include Airport Road for line painting projects for 2016.

Shaffer said the road lines have not been re-painted since the road was newly paved 20 years ago. He said the lack of guide lines on the road creates a driving hazard, especially at night or during fog or rain.

Lawhead said the supervisors would do their best to include line painting for the Airport Road in the plans for 2016 road projects and instructed Secretary Barb Shaffner to make note of it.

Lawhead also commended Shaffer for his excellent work with the airport, which Lawhead said was evident in the Airport Authority’s impressive annual audit report.

Township solicitor James Naddeo presented an updated copy of the Township Zoning Ordinance No. 125 for approval. Naddeo had noted at the supervisors’ previous meeting that the action in November to adopt the ordinance was not valid, due to a discrepancy in the official advertising of the ordinance.

The supervisors once again approved to adopt the resolution to amend the Zoning Ordinance, which Naddeo assured was now official.

The supervisors addressed a request to initiate a survey pursuant to making Leonard Street a one-way street. All three supervisors said they were not in favor of making Leonard Street a one-way at this time.

It was noted that one-way traffic on this street would create a hazard for pedestrians and for buses that actively use the street, as well as create a major inconvenience to the residents there.

The supervisors also approved:

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