Clearfield Co. Commissioner Appointed to 911 Board by Governor Wolf

Mark B. McCracken (Provided photo)

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield County Commissioner Mark B. McCracken has been appointed by Gov. Tom Wolf to serve on the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 911 Board.

The 911 Board was established by Act 12 signed into law on June 29.  The 911 Board has been tasked with advising the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) on regulations and guidelines related to the administration and operation of 911 systems across Pennsylvania, reviewing and revising funding formulas and overseeing plans to deploy next generation 911 technology.

The 911 Board will also promote the regional coordination of technology and information sharing among stakeholders as it relates to the operation and improvement of 911 systems across the Commonwealth.

On accepting the appointment to the 911 Board, McCracken stated, “I greatly appreciate Governor Wolf considering me for this important appointment, and I look forward to working with other state, county and local level officials on the future implementation of 911 systems across the entire state.

“I will make sure that rural counties and citizens in the rural areas have a voice so we receive our fair share of 911 funding to enhance systems to benefit and assist our emergency responders.”

The 911 Board will meet quarterly at PEMA headquarters in Harrisburg.    As required by Act 12, the board will include several members of the General Assembly, management from PEMA, representatives of county and municipal government and members from emergency responder organizations including fire, police and EMT.

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