Bowe Bergdahl charges referred to general court-martial

The U.S. Army Forces Command’s commanding general referred two charges Monday in the case of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl to a General Court-Martial, according to the Army.

The two specific charges referred under the U.S. Armed Forces’ Uniform Code of Military Justice are “Desertion with Intent to Shirk Important or Hazardous Duty” and “Misbehavior before the Enemy by Endangering the Safety of a Command, Unit or Place.”

The date of the arraignment hearing at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, will be announced at a later time.

The Army conducted a public hearing September 17-18, at Joint Base San Antonio, Fort Sam Houston, Texas.

Forces Command officials charged Bergdahl on March 25 with the two alleged offenses.

Bergdahl disappeared June 30, 2009, from Combat Outpost Mest-Malak in Paktika Province, Afghanistan, and subsequently was captured. He was freed as part of a controversial swap with Taliban operatives.

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