Rubio: Trump’s Muslim plan will never happen

Marco Rubio slammed GOP front-runner Donald Trump’s proposition to ban all Muslims from entering the United States on Thursday, reiterating previous comments he made calling the plan “unconstitutional.”

“It is never going to become the law of the country, what Donald Trump is proposing,” the Florida senator said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

Rubio also added that even though Trump is leading in polls, it doesn’t matter because whoever leads in polls changes as the election progresses.

“Most of the people who are leading in December very rarely win in January, and in February and in March, when these votes start to count,” he said. “I’m not gonna hyperventilate about polls.”

So far, many Republican politicians have come out to slam Trump’s plan to ban Muslims, with the exception of two.

Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has said he disagrees with it, but has in the past said the U.S. should only accept Christian refugees.

“I do not agree with his proposals. I do not think it is the right solution,” Cruz said in the Capitol Tuesday. “The right solution I believe is the legislation that I have introduced.”

He referred to his plan that would allow states to opt out of accepting Syrian refugees.

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has also not completely disagreed with Trump, but instead turned attention to his call for more scrutiny on who visits the United States.

“You can go too far in generalizing and sort of blaming all Muslims, but you can go too far in saying this has nothing to do with a radicalization of a religion,” Paul told CNN’s Jake Tapper Wednesday on “The Lead,” explaining that he believes the problem is the country’s broken visa program.

“We do need to press pause and say, ‘Let’s get a better grip on what’s been going on,’ ” he said.

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