Hillary Clinton to outline plan to fight ‘domestic radicalization’

Hillary Clinton will outline her counterterrorism strategy next week in Minnesota, with a particular focus on combating “domestic radicalization,” her campaign announced Thursday.

Clinton on Tuesday will “lay out a counterterrorism strategy that protects the U.S. homeland from terrorist attacks,” her campaign said in an announcement.

“The strategy will address the threat of domestic radicalization, and demonstrate her belief that the most effective plan stays true to America’s most deeply held values, such as inclusiveness and religious freedom,” read the announcement.

Terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, California, have dramatically altered the tenor of the 2016 campaign, drawing the focus more on fighting terrorism and protecting the United States. After terrorists killed 130 in Paris last month, Clinton delivered a lengthy speech on fighting ISIS, calling for the United States to “intensify and broaden” efforts against the terrorist group.

“This is no time to be scoring political points. We must use every pillar of American power, including our values, to fight terror,” Clinton said.

Clinton, however, has stressed the need not to demonize Muslim Americans in the wake of the attacks and aides said she would do the same during her Minnesota speech. The point is a direct response to Donald Trump’s call earlier this week to ban Muslims entering the U.S.

The former secretary of state’s pitch is also likely to include how the United States will approach domestic surveillance in the wake of terrorist attacks.

Clinton did not directly answer a question about whether the United States has become too sensitive to civil liberties concerns earlier this month in Iowa, but did say that the country is “always trying to get the balance right between liberty and privacy and security and safety.”

Visas are another issue currently being debated in the wake of the San Bernardino attack. The Obama administration is currently undertaking a review of the adjudication process that allowed San Bernardino shooter Tashfeen Malik to enter the United States on a finance visa.

“Visas are a problem,” Clinton said in Iowa. “And we have to look at that and see what we need to do to tighten up requirements. … I think we have to do more to get the balance right.”

The reason Clinton picked Minnesota for the site of her speech on radicalization likely stems from Minneapolis’ efforts to curb ISIS recruiting in the state’s large Somali-American community. Minneapolis city officials announced earlier this year that they would implement a multi-million dollar program that would identify radicalization in young people, work with the community and combat ISIS propaganda.

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