Bernie Sanders to Donald Trump: ‘That kind of crap won’t work in the U.S.’

Bernie Sanders condemned Donald Trump’s call for a ban on Muslims entering the United States, calling the Republican front-runner a “demagogue” and saying “that kind of crap won’t work in the United States of America.”

Appearing on NBC’s “The Tonight Show” on Tuesday, the Vermont independent who’s seeking the Democratic presidential nomination accused Trump of trying to “divert attention away from the real issues.”

“What somebody like a Trump is trying to do is to divide us up — a few months ago, we’re supposed to hate Mexicans,” Sanders said. “Now we’re supposed to hate Muslims. That kind of crap is not going to work in the United States of America.”

Asked by host Jimmy Fallon whether he was more focused on Trump or primary opponent Hillary Clinton, Sanders replied, “I look forward to beating Donald Trump — I would enjoy that race very, very much.”

Sanders, who’s been polling behind Clinton in national surveys, was quick to note, however, that first he has to “get past” Clinton, adding, “I think we’re going to do that as well.”

Sanders also discussed his recently introduced plan to address climate change, urging Republicans to “stand with their children and grandchildren, and not just with the big money interest in fossil fuel.”

“I get really upset at many of my Republican colleagues who refuse to even acknowledge the reality of climate change, let alone come up with solutions,” he said.

Sanders continued, “Here’s the story — if we don’t get our act together on climate change, and transform our energy system away from fossil fuel, to energy efficiency and sustainable energy, there is no doubt that the planet that we are going to be leaving our kids and grandchildren will be much less habitable than the planet that we enjoy.”

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