Chris Christie: Obama’s ‘done some pretty stupid sh–‘

In a freewheeling new interview, Chris Christie says that President Barack Obama and his administration have “done some pretty stupid sh–” on the foreign policy front.

“This starts at his core,” the Republican presidential candidate told The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg. “At his core he believes that American inaction trumps American action.”

Christie conceded his own dealings with international relations have been limited, but compared himself favorably to the President, whom he criticized sharply for not taking more aggressive action against the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

“You try to get educated as best you can,” Christie added, “but [Obama’s] done some pretty stupid sh– under the philosophy of not doing stupid sh–.”

“What’s wrong with ‘don’t do stupid sh–?'” Goldberg asked, referencing an unofficial White House doctrine that has been described by officials as an order to not “do stupid sh–.”

The problem, Christie replied, was that the administration has “no overarching strategy here.”

“It’s a series of one-offs,” he said. “[Obama] makes these one-off decisions that he doesn’t think have a domino type of effect, but they do.”

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