Today’s 5 things: A tower. A terrorist. And a tipping point

Turkey wants to kiss and make up. Saudi Arabia wants to build a shape-shifting tower. And we want you to pay attention to the climate talks. It’s Monday, and here are the 5 things you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door.


Weathering heights: You really should pay attention to the climate change conference going on in Paris. Only because THE FATE OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT IS AT STAKE! If the Earth’s temperature goes up by just two degrees, every aspect of our life will be affected. If you think the refugee crisis is tragic now, think of when rising seas eat away cities. If you think the wildfires out West are bad, imagine ones that are 800% larger. Water supplies will dry up. Hurricanes will get more intense. That’s why world leaders are meeting in Paris. That’s why you should pay attention.


Meticulous madness: Even staunch opponents in the abortion debate agree: What Robert Lewis Dear is accused of is “domestic terrorism.” Police say the 57-year-old shot up a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic on Friday, killing three and wounding nine. He told authorities he’s anti-abortion and he talked about “baby parts.” He gave up after a six-hour standoff, but the rampage could have been worse: Cops found propane tanks near Dear’s car and think he planned to shoot them to cause an explosion. He goes before a judge today.


We need to talk: That’s Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s message to Russia after days of tough-guy posturing between Ankara and Moscow. The two sides have been at each other’s throats since Turkey shot down a Russian jet near its border with Syria. The pilot died. Turkey says the plane was in its airspace; Russia it was bombing ISIS targets. A ticked-off Vladimir Putin slapped Turkey with some sanctions. Now, Erdogan’s saying ‘Can’t we all just get along?’ Russia’s response: Not until you apologize. To be continued …


The whole truth and nothing but: From the day news got out that Freddie Gray had died, the truth has been hard to pin down: How did a 40-minute ride in a police van turned fatal? Now, answers to those questions will be in the hands of a 12-person jury, whose selection begins today. Each of the six officers charged will be tried separately. The first in court is Officer William G. Porter.


Glass half full/ glass half empty: More than 900 women are campaigning for public office in Saudi Arabia – a first in the ultra-conservative kingdom. Saudi women were given the right to vote just three months ago. Voting + Running for Office = Awesome, right? Not quite. Critics say these rights are for municipal-level elections, which are kind of inconsequential. Still, ch-ch-ch-changes.


People are talking about these. Read up. Join in.

Quote of the day:

“My heart can take the pounding

My mind can handle the grind

But my body knows it’s time to say goodbye”

— Kobe Bryant, announcing he’ll call it quits after this season, in a retirement poem.

Your world. Delivered

The NSA has stopped bulk collecting phone records. Now, it’ll collect them in a more “targeted” way. Because when you worry about privacy, the NSA listens.

Time to up your selfie game, America

If your selfie doesn’t include a bald eagle, don’t even bother. These Canadian brothers have already won the Internet.

Good Charlotte

Prince William and Catherine have released two new pix of their precious — and your Monday just got a little brighter. Squee!

Honey, the cable’s out

Turns out there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for those cars that seemed to suddenly levitate at an intersection in China: A cable on the street got tangled, tightened up and acted like a tripwire.


Here’s what’s coming up later.

Men behaving badly

Rap mogul Suge Knight and comedian Katt Williams have pretrial hearings. They’re accused of stealing a photographer’s camera. So not cool, dudes.

Shop till you … spot your boss walking by

Here are some exercises to relieve carpal tunnel. You’ll need it. It’s Cyber Monday.

Number of the day:
1 kilometer

The proposed height of Saudi Arabia’s shape-shifting Jeddah Tower, which just got the $1.2 BILLION it needs to proceed with construction to become the world’s tallest building. Your move, Dubai.

And finally …
So sweet the sound

We hereby proclaim that every college marching band should take a cue from USC’s Spirit of Troy and henceforth include a guitar god – namely Slash. Make it happen.

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