Chicago officer should be fired in death of Rekia Boyd, superintendent says

Chicago’s top cop says the police officer who shot and killed Rekia Boyd should be fired.

In a statement released late Monday, Superintendent Garry McCarthy said he agreed with the conclusion of a civilian-led inquiry that recommended the termination of Officer Dante Servin.

“After considerable deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that Officer Dante Servin showed incredibly poor judgment in his efforts to intervene in a low-level dispute while off-duty,” McCarthy said.

“His actions tragically resulted in the death of an innocent young woman and an unthinkable loss for a Chicago family and community. In the end, CPD has rules that we all must live by. Officer Servin violated those rules and he’s going to be held accountable for that,” he said.

The sentiment was seconded Tuesday by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who said Servin “does not deserve to wear a police star or to patrol our communities.”

“Every day, officers across Chicago show their commitment to uphold the values, principles and high expectations we as a city place on them,” the mayor said. “… While we must recognize these officers, we must also hold any officer who violates the values and professionalism of our police department accountable.”

McCarthy’s statement comes two months after Chicago’s Independent Police Review Authority recommended that the department fire Servin.

The IPRA inquiry found that Servin violated the department’s deadly force policy and made conflicting statements to investigators, according to CNN affiliate WLS. It also found that Servin had failed to qualify to use the weapon he fired on the night of the shooting.

Servin has been on desk duty since the shooting, which took place in March 2012.

Rekia Boyd, 22, was walking in a park near her home with a group of people when Servin confronted them. He told them to be quiet and a verbal altercation followed. As the group turned to walk away, Servin, who was not on duty at the time, fired five shots from his car.

Boyd was struck in the head and killed. Her boyfriend was hit in the thumb.

Servin said he feared for his life and fired in self-defense. He claimed he saw Boyd’s boyfriend pull a gun from his pants and take aim.

No gun was recovered from the scene.

Servin was charged with involuntary manslaughter, reckless discharge of a firearm and reckless conduct. He was acquitted in April.

McCarthy had the option of disputing the IPRA’s findings and calling for a less severe punishment for Servin, WLS reported.

The formal charges that form the basis for Servin’s termination recommendation will now be sent to the Chicago Police Board. The board will review the charges and decide on further action.

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