Bernie Sanders sets socialism speech date to compete with Hillary Clinton

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders drew more than 19,000 people to an NBA arena on Sunday night, August 9, 2015, in Portland, Oregon, setting the record for the largest political event of the 2016 presidential contest.

Sen. Bernie Sanders’ long-awaited speech on democratic socialism has been scheduled — for the same day his opponent Hillary Clinton is delivering her own policy address.

The Vermont senator and Democratic presidential candidate will speak Thursday at Georgetown University on his view of democratic socialism, his campaign announced Wednesday.

Clinton, the Democratic front-runner, will be giving a speech on foreign policy in the wake of the Paris attacks the same day.

According to the campaign announcement, Sanders will talk about his vision for promoting “economic and social justice” as well as protecting the environment and foreign policy.

Sanders will also take questions from students.

For weeks, the independent senator’s campaign has promised that he would explain democratic socialism, which he has said many times on the campaign trail is his ideology. The date of the speech was not clear until Wednesday.

Though Sanders eschews traditional capitalism and doesn’t run as a Democrat for his Senate seat, he is pursuing the presidency as a Democrat.

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