Lindsey Graham: ‘There’s a 9/11 coming’

GOP presidential candidate Sen. Lindsey Graham warned Sunday that “there is a 9/11 coming” if the United States does not play a leading role in a ground war against ISIS.

In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” Graham said he hopes France will invoke a NATO provision that would draw its allies into a war against ISIS.

“They should. The world should be at war with ISIL,” the South Carolina senator said.

“I’m trying to protect America from another 9/11, and without American boots on the ground in Syria and Iraq, we’re gonna get hit here at home,” Graham said. “And if you don’t understand that, you’re not ready to be commander-in-chief in my view.”

Graham warned that Friday’s attacks in Paris will be repeated — and on a larger scale — within the United States unless ISIS is destroyed.

“There is a 9/11 coming, and it is coming from Syria if we don’t disrupt their operation inside of Syria,” he said.

He called for 10,000 American troops on the ground in Iraq as part of a regional military force.

“If we don’t do these things soon, what you’ve seen in Paris is coming to America,” Graham said.

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