Santorum: ‘People are dying because this president refuses to face the truth’

Rick Santorum hammered Barack Obama’s foreign policy on Saturday, blaming the President for the terror attacks in Paris that killed more than 120 people in Paris.

“This president doesn’t plan. … This president has completely abandoned ship,” the Republican presidential hopeful told reporters at the Sunshine Summit in Florida.

“This is delusional,” Santorum added. “That’s the only way I can put it. … And people are dying because this president refuses to face the truth.”

Santorum said Obama “has no intention of winning” the fight against ISIS and he warned that attacks could hit closer to home.

“I would say to a war-weary country that if we do not begin to take back ground back from ISIS, we will see war visit us here more dramatically and repeatedly,” he said.

“I would be launching a major offensive against ISIS right now,” Santorum added. “Four bombs a day? Are you serious? That’s a public relations war. … And now we’re seeing the consequences …The public relations value that the president gives ISIS every day by engaging in a war that he has no intention of winning is what you saw in France yesterday.”

Santorum, who is lagging at the bottom of the GOP presidential field, called himself one of ISIS’s biggest threats in the race and he noted that terrorists have listed him as an enemy.

“No other presidential candidate has been in ISIS magazine — they know who I am and I know who they are,” he said.

“Do we need another young, inexperienced president to come into office at a time when the world is on fire? … Commander-in-chief is not an entry-level position.”

The White House did not immediately respond to CNN’s request for comment Saturday afternoon.

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