Trump says Bush 41 adviser approached him about becoming VP

Donald Trump says he first got the taste of presidential politics in 1988.

A new biography of George H.W. Bush by Jon Meacham reveals that Bush became aware that Trump was interested in becoming vice president.

Trump explained in a Sunday interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” that his potential candidacy was an idea first broached by Bush political adviser Lee Atwater, who Trump said approached him.

Trump said Atwater was “a great guy and an absolute friend, and he did ask me about it and say, ‘Would you at all consider it?'”

But that was the last time the two talked about it, Trump said.

“I said, ‘I don’t know, Lee. Check it out, take a look at it, and if it works, I guess I would certainly consider it,'” Trump said. “But it never really went much further than that.”

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