Ben Carson thanks ‘biased media’ for $3.5 million in one week

Ben Carson said Saturday he’s hauled in $3.5 million in campaign cash this week thanks to a “biased media.”

The retired neurosurgeon and Republican presidential candidate claimed 10,000 donations each day of the week in a tweet.

“We the People have made 10,000 donations each day this week, raising $3.5M this week alone. Thank you biased media,” he tweeted.

Last week, Carson tweeted that his campaign raised $10 million in October, notching its 800,000th donation on Nov. 1. And in the most recent fundraising quarter, he raised more money than any other GOP contender, taking in $20.8 million.

Saturday’s fundraising figure — and media tweak — comes in the wake of reports about Carson’s past.

Carson blasted the media scrutiny Friday night, telling reporters at a press conference in Florida that “there is a desperation on behalf of some to try to find ways to tarnish me because they’ve been looking through everything, they have been talking to everybody I’ve ever known, everybody I’ve ever seen.”

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