Reports: Bush 41 hits 43’s aides in new biography

An upcoming biography of former President George H.W. Bush contains critical assessments by the 41st president of some of the top officials from his son’s presidency, media reports say.

The former president knocked former Vice President Dick Cheney and former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to his biographer, Jon Meacham in interviews for “Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush,” according to the New York Times’ account.

On Dick Cheney

Bush told Meacham he thought that the famously influential vice president carved out “his own empire” in the White House “and marched to his own drummer.” Bush felt that Cheney, who served as defense secretary during his own administration, had changed as vice president. Cheney grew “very hard line” and “just iron-ass” in response to the attacks on 9-11 — “very different from the Dick Cheney I knew and worked with,” the Times quotes Bush as saying.

But the Times reports that Bush also told his biographer that Cheney was “a good man” and that President George W. Bush had made a mistake by allowing him to “bring in kind of his own State Department.”

On Donald Rumsfeld

The 41st president was decidedly more critical of Rumsfeld in his conversations with Meacham. According to the Times, Bush charged that the former defense secretary “served the president badly” and was an “arrogant fellow.” He also said of Rumsfeld in interviews for the biography: “There’s a lack of humility, a lack of seeing what the other guy thinks. He’s more kick ass and take names, take numbers. I think he paid a price for that.”

But Bush 41 didn’t absolve Bush 43 of all fault, directing some criticism toward his son as well. The New York Times reports that Bush told Meacham he still supports his son’s decision to invade Iraq, calling the ouster and capture of Saddam Hussein “proud moments.” But he said in interviews that he does “worry about some of the rhetoric that was out there” and suggested that “hot rhetoric is pretty easy to get headlines, but it doesn’t necessarily solve the diplomatic problem.”

Bush referenced in particular the introduction of the phrase “axis of evil” in the 2002 State of the Union address, saying that “I think that might be historically proved to be not benefiting anything.”

The reactions

Meacham showed transcripts of his conversations with the senior Bush to both Cheney and the younger Bush to elicit their reaction, according to the paper.

Cheney, the Times reports, smiled after reading them, telling Meacham that Bush’s analysis was “fascinating.” The former vice president said that he “never heard any of this from 41” but admitted, “No question, I was much harder-line after 9-11 than I was before.”

George W. Bush told Meacham of his father’s evaluation: “He certainly never expressed that opinion to me, either during the presidency or after.” Regarding the criticism of his rhetoric, Bush said “It is true that my rhetoric could get pretty strong and that may have bothered some people — obviously it did, including Dad, though he never mentioned it.”

And he pushed back on the notion that Cheney possessed outsize influence in his administration, telling Meacham, as reported by the Times, that “I made the decisions. This was my philosophy.”

Fox News has also reported on excerpts from the new biography and sought reaction from Cheney, who told the network he takes Bush’s “iron-ass” comment “as a mark of pride.”

He said to Fox, “I think a lot of people believed then, and still believe to this day, that I was aggressive in defending, in carrying out what I thought were the right policies.”

Fox reported that Rumsfeld declined to comment.

CNN has not independently obtained a copy of “Destiny and Power,” which releases next week.

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