Political Prediction Market: Rubio continues to dominate GOP pack

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio continues to dominate the Republican pack on CNN’s Political Prediction Market, placing his odds Wednesday of winning the GOP presidential nomination at 41%.

Before the Republican CNBC debate on October 28, Rubio’s odds were at 33%. His odds went up to 37% during the debate and then rose to 39% the next morning.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who was once considered a favorite for the nomination, is now at 9% following his poor performance at the last debate. Before the event, his odds were at 15% and went down to 11% by the end of the debate.

Rubio’s odds for the nomination have been rising in the Prediction Market since the last debate after giving a positive performance and handling attacks from Bush, his former mentor. On Wednesday, Rubio received questions about his finances and pushed back after being asked about a charge card that he may have reportedly misused. It’s unclear if this has affected his odds in the Prediction Market yet.

Carson’s odds are also on the rise in the market — they’ve nearly doubled in a week. He was previously at a 9% chance for the nomination on October 29. and is now at a 17% chance for the nomination. Real estate mogul Donald Trump is at third, with his odds for the nomination at 12%.

CNN’s Political Prediction Market is a live online prediction game administered by a company called Pivit that factors polls and other factors, including input from online players.

It’s not to be confused with polls from actual voters. The latest Quinnipiac University survey shows that Trump and Carson are neck-and-neck in the Republican primary, at 24% and 23% respectively. Rubio comes in third in the poll, with 14% support in the national survey.

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