N.H. poll: Trump and Carson close, Rubio rising

Donald Trump and Ben Carson have maintained their leads in a New Hampshire poll out Wednesday, but their numbers have slid as other more establishment candidates have risen to within striking distance.

According to an NPR Boston affiliate WBUR survey, Trump is in first place with 18% support among Republican primary voters, down from 22% in the previous survey in September, and Carson is close behind in second with 16% support, down from 18%. That puts the two candidates in a statistical dead heat.

Marco Rubio and Chris Christie made major gains among New Hampshire primary voters from the poll’s last edition. Rubio gained the most ground, with the Florida senator rocketing to third place with 11%, up from 2% in September.

Ohio Gov. John Kasich is the only other candidate garnering double digit support with 10%, up one point from September. Christie placed fifth with 8%, a significant jump from the previous 2%.

The poll was conducted entirely after the CNBC debate, one which featured strong performances from Rubio and Christie.

Meanwhile, Jeb Bush’s months-long slide continued, with the former front-runner down two points to 7%. Carly Fiorina and Sen. Ted Cruz both finished with 6%, Sen. Rand Paul with 3%, and all other candidates had 1% or less.

The poll was conducted October 29 through November 1, and talked to 400 likely GOP primary voters with a margin of error of 4.9%.

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