Donald Trump retweets image of Jeb Bush with swastika

Another retweet has landed Donald Trump in hot water — but this time, the campaign isn’t blaming an intern.

Trump, a prolific Twitter user, retweeted a message Tuesday that read: “ADIOS, JEB aka JOSÉ.” Unfortunately for the Republican presidential candidate, that tweet was accompanied by more than a dozen images seeming to attack his rival Jeb Bush and his family, and one of those graphics featured a swastika next to Bush’s face.

One of the other pictures showed Bush standing next to cactus plants wearing a sombrero.

Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks said in a statement to CNN that Trump retweeted the tweet in question “like hundreds of others,” confirming that the candidate himself had personally sent out the retweet.

“He did not see the accompanying image and the retweet has since been deleted,” Hicks said.

Trump’s latest retweet drew sharp condemnation from Bush’s campaign. His national spokesperson, Kristy Campbell, wrote on Twitter: “Trump tweets swastika as part of latest attack on Jeb. T-minus 8 hours until another ‘young intern’ is fired.”

Tuesday is not the first time that Trump has stirred up controversy on the social media site. This summer, Trump’s twitter account posted a photo showing men wearing Nazi uniforms. At the time, the campaign blamed a “young intern” for the mistake.

And last month, Trump retweeted an insult to Iowans that read: “Too much #Monsanto in the #corn creates issues in the brain?” The campaign also deleted this retweet, before, again, blaming a “young intern.”

Though Trump’s retweet has been deleted, the original tweet by user @AndreaWeslien was still live on Wednesday morning.

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