No New Taxes in Sandy Twp. Budget Proposal

DUBOIS – The upcoming-year’s budget proposal doesn’t include any new taxes for Sandy Township.

The budget proposal is scheduled to be available for public inspection beginning Nov. 5. It will be finalized by the supervisors Dec. 7.

According to the supervisors, the total budget is $9,172,122 for 2016. Further, the budget proposes the following apportionments:

Also, the township’s property millage rates have been proposed as follows:

In other business, the supervisors signed off on the latest Process RLF Loan, a rolling loan for $75,000 to Doe G’s Brewing Company.

The rolling loan program is a collaborative venture with Sandy Township, DuBois City and Falls Creek with Sandy Township being the entity which gives the final sign-off.

The program provides qualifying businesses the ability to obtain a low-interest loan.  Once it’s paid back, the loan and interest will be reused to benefit other community businesses.

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