Google X hopes to launch drone deliveries by 2017

Alphabet’s secretive tech lab Google X hopes to launch delivery drones within the next two years.

That’s according to Dave Vos, a Project Wing executive and engineer.

Project Wing has similar ambitions as Amazon Prime Air, which aims to deliver customers’ packages within 30 minutes using drones.

Vos was a keynote speaker at a conference for air traffic controllers on Monday.

He answered questions from the audience after his talk, and one of his responses included a statement about Project Wing.

“We hope we could be operating a delivery service with our Wing vehicles by 2017,” a company spokeswoman quotes him as saying.

Alphabet, formerly Google, and Amazon have both faced regulatory roadblocks in the United States for drone delivery programs.

Amazon has called on U.S. regulators to act faster.

The online shopping site most recently proposed that specific air space be designated for commercial drones to deliver packages.

Alphabet has not been as outspoken.

The company would not comment on its plans beyond Vos’ quote.

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